It's that time of year again! One of my favorite seasonal treats. One year I got so excited I think I bought four boxes. Needless to say, I went a little overboard that year. I had almost forgotten that they were on the way but when I got back form Colorado I ran to the store for a few necessities and there they were.....taunting me...
Well after a 13.5 hour drive on Wednesday I made it to Denver safely. Thursday looked pretty bad at the mountain so I decided to wait until Friday for my first day. When I woke up on Friday I checked the road conditions and I-70 was shut down due to poor road conditions and 70-80 mph winds. Needless to say Friday was out of the question. Knowing that it was the weekend, we decided to wake up early (5 am) and beat the traffic. Success! The snow conditions were some of the best I've had in a few years. (8-10 inches of fresh powder!) I took my last two runs with Lanny and Ethan. I was very impressed how well Ethan did. He's not quite 5 years old and he was like a little rocket down the mountain. He went all the way from the top of the mountain to the bottom without stopping. Look for him at the end of this short little video in a full out tuck.
I know, it's been almost 2 months since I've posted anything and while I could come up with excuses as to why I've been so absent, this time I won't do that. The new apartment is treating me well and any complaints I have are just me being petty. After the first few weeks of living without a couch I was very happy to get that remedied. I never realized how much sitting around I do on my days off until all I had was a folding chair. Luckily I was really busy for the first 3-4 weeks that I lived in my new place.
The end of January and the beginning of February have been a little slower for me, so I decided what better time to go snowboarding than the slow times. (not that I wasn't already planning it anyway) So tomorrow (, early this morning I head off to Colorado for my annual snowboarding trip. While I should have been in bed several hours ago, here I am posting this for you guys. And to make up for all of my absence, I decided to make a short little video. Just a little something fun that I threw together this afternoon while I was prepping for my trip tomorrow.