Monday, December 10, 2007

The Move...

So, tomorrow I move. I'm leaving north Dallas (Frisco) and moving considerably closer to downtown (which means a much shorter daily commute). I'm looking forward to it, but I must admit it will be a little weird. It will be my first time to live alone....ever. In all my 31 years of life, I've yet to live by myself. It should be an adventure. There will definitely be advantages and disadvantages to living alone. I will miss having people around the house all the time, but at the same time it will be nice to have a place all to myself to call "home". Another thing that will be a little weird is getting used to apartment life again. I haven't lived in an apartment since my sophomore year in college (96-97). It's been a good run but it was bound to come to an end at some point.

And so, as I bid adieu to my former home, I must say thanks to the Carruths. You guys have been great housemates, it has been fun and I'll miss seeing you guys day in and day out. But I do look forward to meeting the new little Carruth who is on the way. You guys are going to make GREAT parents.

Monday, December 03, 2007

One of those mornings...

Overall, it was a good day, but on my way to work this morning I had a realization...

After I had already eaten my breakfast (an apple and a granola bar), after I had already stopped for some cheap wannabe coffee (no Starbucks this morning), and after I had already made it more than halfway down the road on my morning commute I realized that I had just done something for the first time in my life! I woke up, got ready, and left the house for work an hour earlier than I needed for absolutely no reason. I don't know what I was thinking! I even set my clock wrong when I went to bed last night. I didn't think twice this morning when I rolled out of bed. And I certainly didn't think anything about it when I walked out the door.

I was a little perturbed at myself. I could have had another hour of sleep! But what was I going to do now? I couldn't turn back around and go home, I couldn't stop at some cool diner for breakfast I had already eaten. So I did the next best thing, I drove around listening to a couple sermon podcasts. It's not a bad way to spend an extra hour in the morning but I don't think I'll be making a habit of it since my mental lapse required me to wake up at 5:30 this morning...

needless to say, I'm off to bed...