Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fun with passport photos...

I applied for my passport today! I've been meaning to do it for years, but today I finally did it. Soon I will have the freedom to be a world traveler. We shot my photos at work the other day when we had some down time and I had a little fun with them today so I thought I'd share...

That's all.

Have a great day!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Take a swim...

The guys at Google have a pretty good sense of humor. I caught wind of this and I wanted to see if it was real or not...and sure enough, here it is...

If you go to Google and get directions from anywhere in the US to anywhere in Europe (my test trip was from Dallas to Scotland), Google will give you directions that seem pretty normal until you get to the ocean. That's where Google tells you to take a swim. It just struck me as funny. Maybe Google thinks we are out of shape and need our exercise. But really....3,462 miles? Last time I went swimming at the gym I was out of breath after about 6 laps. I guess I should start training now.

  • click here to see it with your own eyes
  • check out step 26

    It reminds me of a time a couple of years ago when I was going to play at a camp with an old friend. When I talked to his wife, who was giving me directions, we were dumbfounded when the directions told me to drive through a river. Seriously. The actual directions were:
    -turn into the campground
    -don't take any turns off the main road
    -go straight until you see the river
    -drive into the river and take a right...
    ...really! That's what the directions were, and so that's what I did. I was a little nervous, but it worked.

    Monday, April 02, 2007

    My current weakness...

    I can't help myself sometimes. I probably drive past 15 Starbucks on my way in to work every morning and at least twice a week I end up stopping to grab a drink. My drinks of choice currently are: Caramel Macchiato, Cinnamon Dolce Latte, or a Mocha Latte with a shot of vanilla. Something about a nice warm drink in my hand when I walk into work just tends to put me in a really laid back mood. Don't ask me why. Maybe a warm drink in my hand makes me think it's colder outside than it actually is and maybe that comes from my short stint of living in colder climates and I'm just trying to prolong the winter and spring. I'm not really ready for the crazy Texas summer. I don't know...