So I'm finishing my last week as a full-time assistant this week. (by my choice) It's funny, I sustained myself as a freelance assistant for two years, yet it still makes me nervous. I have plenty faith in God's provision and my abilities, but it's still scary. Why is that? (rhetorical) God has shown me time and time again the he will take care of me, yet my flesh still doubts and I am scared sometimes. Anyway, I just thought I'd share that...
Lately I've been trying to get out of a routine that I've grown accustomed to. I'm trying to read as I go to bed instead of letting the TV "entertain" me as I drift off to sleep. When, I let the TV put me to sleep, I've found that I'll stay up later than I should and I don't sleep as well as when I read. Not to mention, that when I read I generally wake up with a better attitude about my day. Another part of my routine that is changing a little is my morning commute. I used to listen to my music or sometimes talk radio (I must admit that sometimes I can be a talk radio junkie, but the people I really like to listen to are either on in the middle of the day or after I get home from work), but lately I downloaded a bunch of podcasts of the church I attended in Colorado and have been trying to enrich my mind a little before I start my work day. Yet another thing that has helped my attitude throughout the day.
I've been reading "Searching for God Knows What" by Donald Miller, I enjoyed "Blue Like Jazz" so I figured I'd give his newer one a try. It's pretty good so far, a fairly easy read. I'm not sure what I should tackle next. Maybe some John Piper. We'll see...
Five good things:
1. My new MacBook Pro.
2. Going back to freelance.
3. New friends from Pennsylvania.
4. I heard from an old friend today.
5. Dinner at Pei Wei.
9 years ago